How to Decorate for a Precious Angel Baby Shower

Babies are considered to be our little angels and each human being is supposed to have his or her own guardian angel. Perhaps this is why this theme is so popular when it comes to welcoming a new person into the world.

Celestial guardians are the theme for this party and the motif of the angel may be reflected in every detail from the invitation, to the tablecloth to images decorating the walls. This is a very popular theme and commercial decorations are widely available to the public.

The mother may also want to use angels as a theme to decorate her nursery, so guests should be encouraged to buy linen, china, clothing and mobiles that feature the heavenly motif. There is a wide availability of wrapping paper and cards on the market that can be used to cover tables and decorate walls.

The party area itself can be decorated with ceramic angels, angels in snow shakers, feathers, cotton batten and stars made out of aluminum foil. Strings of white Christmas lights and new age music also add to the light and airy feel of this kind of party. This shower also suits plenty of white flowers, as well as the scents of frankincense and myrrh. White, blue, pink and silver make a gorgeous color scheme for the angel shower.

Creative hostesses might want to make a halo for the mother or even rent angel wings for the mother or guests to wear. Another touch is to make name tags or dinner placards that name each guest as a guardian angel of the mother.

Angel cake is a definite must at this kind of party, preferable served up with strawberries, blueberries or mangos. Angel-hair pasta is also another witty choice to add to the menu. A nice angelic looking drink to make is called a Snowball. It consists of Avocat mixed with 7-up. The result is a furry, feathery looking drink which looks like the kind of elixir that an angel might drink in heaven. Pale champagnes and pink milk are also a nice touch at this kind of party as are chocolates and chocolate mousses with a touch of edible gold on top.

Small snow shakers, candles or charms of angels wrapped with pink or blue ribbon make excellent party favors for departing guests. You can also buy the guests charms in form of angel wings to wear around their necks.

How to Decorate A Place for Low Cost Baby Shower

An invitation is as simple as picking up the phone and verbally inviting the mom-to-be’s friends to your party. Invitations can also be sent by email and there are many web sites on the net offering free e-vites. If you have a budget to mail out invitations, clever invitations can be constructed from colored paper or by making a collage on paper of the themes that match the party. For instance, if the theme is ducks, it is quite simple to make a template in a duck shape and cut out multiples of its form out of yellow construction paper and write the information on the duck. A simple tip: no matter how cheap or handmade the written invitation sprinkling a bit of glitter inside the envelope always enhances it!

At the very least, every baby shower should have balloons. It might also be a good idea to drag out the Christmas lights and string them around the party area to make it look as festive as possible.
It is also easy to make a hand-made banner or sign welcoming the mother to her baby shower using construction paper and a good set of markers. This kind of sign can also be constructed letter by letter using aluminum foil.
Construction paper can also be used to cut out motifs for the party, such as ducks, stars, hearts or pictures of angels. These can be pasted on the wall and also larger versions can be used as placemats. You can also try the old “daisy chain” trick we all learned in grade school, which is to make an “accordion” of folds of paper, cut out a motif, and then unravel the chain to use as a banner.
If you can’t afford a caterer, then get your guests to cater the party for you by assigning them each a dish to bring to your buffet. You can also delegate responsibility by assigning them each an item to bring: for instance, one guest might be responsible for bringing extra chairs, another might be responsible for procuring a videocamera, another ice for the party and so o
Some guests have been known to arrive at showers with laundry hampers filled with well-washed used baby clothes that take the child to the age of five. Another option is to fill a toy box with similar items.
Perhaps the cheapest and most traditional present, is a box of disposable baby diapers. A new mother can never have enough of those!