How To Decorate With Copper Tables

Do you love the burnished look of a copper table? You can buy affordable copper table with round tops and four legs that look perfect next to any bed or armchair or draped with hanging plants.

The great thing about a copper table is that it can suit a lot of different decors from rustic, to nautical to contemporary to post-modern.

If you are a looking for a copper table that seems contemporary then it is good to look for one that has a bit of a retro seventies feel. A great example of this type of table is the Aquidneck Island Copper Table which has a beautiful splayed four legged base crafted out of recycled boat wood.

The top of this type of table is a sheet of copper, crimped like the edges of a coin with a beautiful map of Aquidneck Island etched into the top. You don’t have to go for this classic image however. You can commission any image you want as a graphic on these copper table tops.

Most copper tables are handcrafted by artisans in the Cape Cod area so of course boat themes are to be expected. These tables look great anywhere there is a lobby, living room or outdoor patio near the ocean.

The ultimate nautical theme is the antique compass. Look for the ones made out of rose copper that have the famous compass rose which features an eight pointed compass with a wild rose image in the center. This famous sea faring image as been around since the 1300s.

There is a copper table design that is cropping up in the nicest newest post-modern cottages along the Eastern seaboard that features a gleaming strand of orange copper running counter clockwise in a spiral through a flat bed of bright aqua oxidized copper. The green/blue color is technically known as verdigris and usually would take about thirty years to naturally happen. However a group of Rhode Island artisans has figured out how to accelerate the rusting of copper to create these unusual tables. Not one is like the other as they have to be hand-made and hand-treated to achieve the slightly psychedelic effect of the table top.

When shopping for copper tables make sure that they are protected with a resin coating so that they do not oxidize on you and turn green – unless the greening of the table is part of a chic effect that you want.

How to Decorate a Flower Girl’s Basket

A wedding is so much more personal if the decorations are hand made. One of the easiest things to make on your own is the flower girl’s basket. Theis basket carries the flower petals that the flower girl scatters along the bride’s path to the alter.

This is a very easy pr0ject to do. You could even do it as a craft with the flower girl if she is the type of young girl who is creative and likes to participate.

For this project you will need –
• Florist wire in green or pink
• Pearl sprays
• Wide and narrow satin ribbon in a color of your choice
• Wide and narrow silk ribbon in your favorite color
• Baby’s breath
• Fabric for basket liner
• Woven Basket
• Fresh flowers
• Fresh or artificial greenery
• Hot glue gun
• Rose petals
• Wire cutters

Choose a small white, green, pink or natural-colored basket. Your color choice might depend on what the bride’s color theme for the wedding might be.The basket should be large enough to contain the desired amount of flower petals but small enough for a child to carry in one hand.

You should also select satin and silk ribbon to tie onto the basket. Use a combination of wide and narrow ribbons that coordinate with the predominant wedding colors chosen by the bride. About 4 to 5 yards of narrow ribbon and 2 to 3 yards of wide ribbon should be enough to decorate for one small flower basket.

You should then select silk or fresh flowers to decorate the basket. One of the benefits of decorating with artificial flowers is that you do not have to refrigerate it. The flowers will stay fresh forever. If the blooms are artificial it will be a wonderful keepsake for the flower girl.

If you decorate the basket with fresh flowers then you need to order them ahead of time to ensure their availability. Just about any type of flower can be dyed professionally to match the colors used in the wedding.

Tie lengths of narrow ribbon at each base (or just one) of the basket handle, or use a hot glue gun to attach them to the basket. The ribbons should trail approximately 6 to 10 inches below the bottom of the basket for an attractive effect.Be sure to use the wide ribbon to make a bow at each base of the basket handle. These bows will cover any knotted portions of the streaming narrow ribbons.

Attach the flowers to the basket. Either cluster the flowers on each side of the basket or attach flowers all along the basket’s rim or edge.Attach artificial flowers and greenery by weaving their stems through the open spaces in the basket. Twist the wire ends to secure and then tuck them back into the basket so that they are hidden. You have now created a beautiful basket.