How to Clear Your Home of Negative Energy

Before you decorate you should do a little cleansing to make sure that your space is free of negative energies. It means that you are creating a clean slate on which to decorate. There are several different traditional always for clearing a room of bad energies. It all depends on the culture or spirituality that you might be referencing as you cleanse the room of bad vibes.

For instance, in Feng Shui it is clutter that attracts bad spirits and blocks the positive flow of energy. If you feel haunted or overly attached to the past, one remedy might be to give your house a good cleaning. If the object feels wrong, or reminds you from the past in a negative way then throw it away.

Another way of keeping bad energies out of a room is to hang bells or chimes on the door. Every time the door is opened to the room the spirits will be frightened by the noise and be chased away.

Another way of clearing your space is to walk through it, ringing a bell that rings in the key of C. Balinese temple bells were created specifically for the purpose of getting rid of bad energies.
A Wiccan tradition for clearing vibrations out of a house is to take a broom and starting at the front door, sweep the entire house in a counterclockwise direction. Even if your floors are clean you can do this as a symbolic action. Keep sweeping in the counterclockwise direction until you have reached the front door and sweep everything collected out the front door and down your front path and to the street. Modernists could probably use a vacuum cleaner to the same effect.

In Celtic traditions and also Feng Shui traditions four copper pennies place in the North, South, East and West corners of the home are thought to prevent the inhabitants from astral attack, ghosts and spirits.

The classic incense used for protection from bad energies. is a combination of Frankincense and Myrrh, which is said to please the angels and summon protective light. Genuine Frankincense and Myrrh can be bought in religious supply stores and burned over charcoal in and incense burner. The burner is swung through the house, cleansing every corner of thought forms, entities and bad energy. In Arabic homes today, on Thursdays, frankincense is burnt in a censer and carried through the living rooms and bed- rooms to expel evil spirits and invite the angels in. In Cairo, Egypt, and elsewhere, people make earn the livelihood by travelling from business to business, burning this combination of incense to dispel any negative energy left behind by the public.

Sage can also be used to purify an environment. It can be bought commercially as stick incense or as a sage bundle. A bundle is usually just the dried herb wrapped with an elastic band or rope. The bundle is lit on fire and carried through the house to clear it of entities and bad spirits. In several Native American cultures, the aroma of burning sweet grass or sage purifies the energies and attracts the positive supernatural entities.

How to Decorate With Antique Lamps

There is nothing that adds more elegance and automatic ambience to a room’s décor than an antique lamp. They are fantastic objects to have in a dining room or living room because they not only make a personal statement about you but because they are great conversation pieces. There is nothing like a 1930s big chandelier with large drops of ice hanging from it to help break the ice with your dinner companions.

One of the most interesting antique lamp fads that is around lately is the passion for chandeliers made out of deer antlers. These date back as far as the 1890s and straight through to today. They were standard lamp fixtures in medieval times in Europe (as they do have a bit of a pagan flair to them) but they are also considered to be part of American and Canadian furniture kitsch.

However keep in mind that when you buy one of these deer chandeliers that it is not always that politically correct. Some unscrupulous dealers are selling this type of thing on eBay as being made out of found antlers when what they have done is take the antlers off of live deer. This is a big ecological no-no.

Yet another very popular type of kitsch antique lamp that is being manufactured right now is the “Sexy Leg Lamp.” This is the lamp that was featured in the movie “The Christmas Story.” It consists of a plastic molded ladies leg wearing a black high heel and it is topped with a shade that looks like a burlesque dancer’s skirt. If you have one of these in your home, your guests are sure to point out that “you have the same lamp that Ralphie’s Dad does.”

A kind of lamp that is getting harder and harder to find but used to be a common sight on top of television sets all over the world is the classic ceramic black panther that is topped with a shade made from paper pressed with glitter.

Perhaps the most popular of the antique lamps are the lava lamps. It is getting harder and harder nowadays to find a real lava lamp from the fifties or sixties. The knock offs that can be had for twenty dollars and be bought in a hardware store are simply not as nice as the ones you find on eBay or in antique shops. This is because the newer replicas tend to be a lot smaller then the original lava lamps that were sometimes tall enough to reach your knee. They also often contain glitter instead of the “lava” and their design is not as nice. If you manage to find a real lava lamp from the fifties then the design from the Atomic Age is certain to become a conversation starter.