How to Decorate Wine Bottles

Quite a few people enjoy collecting and decorating wine bottles. Many wine bottles are beautiful in shape and size. You can also embellish a wine bottle that you were keeping for sentimental reasons. You can also decorate either a full or empty wine bottle.

To look a collection it is nice to display the wine bottles in groupings of three to seven at once. It is nice to keep wine bottles that have the same color or that are the same type together in their own groupings. Another nice touch is to mount the wine bottles in a way that they are showcased. A shelf with a glass backing to it is a very nice idea as it also reflects and picks up the light in the bottles.

You can start by picking empty bottles and placing a wax candle into the mouth of the bottle. You then let the wax drip down as it burns. You can do this with several different colors of candles to add variety to the look of the wax drippings.

Another nice touch is to line up all the wine bottles together in a line on a window sill. This makes a nice window covering as it is difficult for others to see in. The color of the bottles also shines through them to create a nice glow in our home. One warning though – do not use full bottles of wine for this purpose as wine can be worried if it is exposed to direct sunlight.

If you really want to get spectacular about this then you can put your skills to work by making a rustic Italian –style lamp base out of a large wine bottle. You need to drill a small hole through the glass in the bottom or on the low side of the bottle. Purchase a lamp wiring kit at a home improvement store and then thread it through bottle to make a lamp base. This is a great project for anyone who is good at glass cutting.

One crafty way of decorating a wine bottle is to take chain or thin silver rope and coil it around the bottle to make ribbed designs. You can also make this chain or rope into floral or geometric shapes to give the bottle visual interest.

Finally consider using these empty wine bottles as flower vases. There is nothing prettier. Even a single bloom looks great standing up straight in a wine bottle. You can tie ribbons around the wine bottle neck to augment the effect.

How to Decorate A Used Kitchen Chair

Have you found a great kitchen chair at a garage sale or vintage store and do you want to try and make it into a fashionable piece of furniture? Recovering a used kitchen chair is easier than you think!

Begin by disassembling the chair. Your first task is to remove the chair seat. If you turn the chair upside down, you should easily find the screws that hold the chair pad in place. Unscrew these screws and the chair seat should just come pop off the chair frame.

Take the “naked” chair frame outside and spray paint, giving it one or two coats, depending on the colour you’ve chosen. Make sure you’ve removed any loose paint and dirt before you do this or the effect will be very disappointing and unprofessional looking. A light sand helps the paint stick better, but is not necessary if the chair is slightly “beat-up”. If the chair is bent out of shape in anyway you can slos hammer it back into shape.

Then turn your attention to the chair seat. Using a flat screwdriver or small crowbar, remove the stables holding the fabric onto the chair seat. If the padding is in good shape, you’re ready to move onto the next step. If it needs a little work add a layer of batting or a thin layer of foam (available at craft and fabric stores) before you staple on the finished fabric. This, of course, will help provide the actual seat for the chair.

Lay the chair seat on the fabric, back side up. It’s helpful to mark the front of the chair so you know which way to run the fabric. Also, if your fabric has a pattern, make sure the pattern is centered on the seat before you cut it out. Don’t choose thick fabric that is hard to fold or the chair seat won’t look quite right.

Now the fun begins. Using a stapler or electric staple gun, begin by stapling the fabric to the top and bottom of the seat, then the sides. Then work your way around the seat, making small folds as you go if you are upholstering a round chair.Trim excess fabric and screw the seat back onto the chair. You are done and have a brand new fashionable addition for you r home.

Looking for old kitchen chairs for absolutely free? Try looking for gems in your neighbourhood on garbage day. There are usually lots of them sitting on the side of the street waiting to be collected and rehabbed by somebody.