How to Decorate A Master Bathroom

If you have a master bedroom attached to a master bathroom you are probably looking for decorating ideas that can help coordinate both rooms.

The easiest way to do this is to match the colors of the linens. For instance if your bed sheets are blue and your walls are brown then you might also want to have blue and brown towels, soap dishes and other accents in your bathroom.

Different patterns can also play a part on the overall look of your decorating scheme. For instance, if your bedroom has wallpaper that has stripes then you may want to continue this motif onwards on all of the walls of the master bedroom.

You could also be more subtle and simply also have a striped curtains picking up the motif of the bedroom.
Another way to deal with a pattern is to have stripes or polka dots or whatever pattern suits you and have them be one color in the bathroom and another in the bedroom.

For instance you could have pink polka dots on the coverlet and curtains in the bedroom but the towels, bath mat and shower curtain in the bathroom could have blue polka dots. Items also do not have to be all of the same color in order for you to be able to “riff” on a decorating theme.

These rooms can also be coordinated in terms of what materials you use to build or decorate them with. For instance if your bedroom consists of heavy wooden mission fixture then a wooden countertop and wooden toilet seat might look good in your bathroom. Instead of tiles, stones or pebbled tiles also might look better in the bathroom. The great thing about wooden furniture is that it suits just about every type of flooring and wall covering including plush carpets, tiles, stone, hardwood floors, brick and plaster.

Another way to decorate is by era or style. For instance, a retro seventies style bedroom could contain a round bed and also boast a red and orange color scheme. The bathroom could also have a red and orange color scheme as well as modular shaped bathroom accessories to suggest the seventies. Clear plastic accessories such lamps, garbage pails and soap dishes could help unify the look of both rooms so that they appear authentic.

Also remember that both rooms do not have to absolutely match to signify a totally coordinated effort. It only takes a few similar design accents to give both rooms a pleasant unity.

Feng Shui Kitchen Decor to Attract Love

Here are some great Feng Shui tips (the ancient art of Chinese Object placement) to attract love.

The kitchen is the domestic place of love and in Feng Shui things displayed in pairs attract soul mates so go ahead and use “male and female” salt and pepper shakers to magnetize the opposite sex. You can use the symbolism of salt and pepper shakers to attract a mate as well. A pair of chickens or ducks in the shape of salt and pepper shakes can symbolize a great love.

To enhance fertility, display copper fish molds. Copper is a favorite metal of the Chinese goddess Quan Yin and also of the Roman goddess Venus. Fish symbolize fertility so be sure to hang them on your kitchen walls. Round shapes are also conducive to creating good relationships.

Ceramic tiles bring love. Decorate walls and tiles with ceramic as opposed to linoleum. Pink or rose colored ceramic tiles as well as walls painted in rosy tones bring love especially if this color is in the kitchen or bedroom.

Crystal Ware can clear bad energy. You don’t have to use stones like quartz to clear bad emotional energy from a room. Any type of crystal glass, vase or statue can also be used to create loving chi anywhere in your home.

You also can’t go wrong with heart shapes in the kitchen. Hearts, especially twin hearts are a good theme for linen, wallpaper and statuary in the kitchen. Heart shaped cookie cutters and salt and peppershakers also attract love.

Considering baking your heart out! Heart shaped molds or cake pans may be hung on the wall to enhance the love attracting properties in the kitchen and of course every time you use on of these you are cooking up passion.

Light colored wood attracts love. Furniture should be made of a light colored wood. Woods made from fruit trees such as cherry attract love. Avoid heavy, metal or glass black furniture that create blocks to the free flow of energy.

Finally always make sure that your appliances are in good working order. If appliances are broken it can symbolize broken relationships.

Finally keep your home absolutely clear of clutter. There is an old saying that “Venus won’t enter an empty home.” Venus was the Goddess of Love. Keep your home absolutely pristine and clean so that love will feel willing and able to enter your life at any time.